In the last fifty years, LGBT activism has consolidated its political and legal gains through compulsory education. Particularly in Western countries, LGBT activism has become a part of the education system, leaning on human rights, sex education classes, inclusion and pluralism principles. In order to determine through what kind of materials and content this activism reaches children, the resources recommended to educators in compulsory sex education classes in the German states of Berlin-Brandenburg were analyzed. Based on the sample, 15 materials related to the LGBT theme were accessed. From age 5 onwards, there are materials suitable for all age groups and grade levels. There are various types of documents such as brochures, teacher’s books, films-documentaries, stories-novels, websites and blog posts. So me of these are aimed directly at children and some are aimed at educators only. These materials have been produced by state institutions, state-funded associations, NGOs and publishing houses in three different countries: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Expertise areas of these institutions are family, health and sexuality, politics, media, education, publishing and LGBT. It was observed that these materials were prepared to inform, guide and raise awareness. When these materials were evaluated from the perspective of Young-Bruehl’s theory of childism, it was found that LGBT activism revealed antisemitic child discrimination by targeting the value of the child; racist child discrimination targeting the morality of the child and sexist child discrimination targeting the identity of the child.