Submission & Publication Policy

Submission Declaration
The submission of manuscripts implies that the work has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract, part of a published conference or academic thesis, or an electronic preprint); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that all authors or the responsible authorities to whom the work was submitted have given their consent to the publication of the work in question, either expressly or without public declaration; and that it may not be published elsewhere without the permission of the owner of the copyright in English or any other language, including, if accepted, in electronic form.

Changes to Authorship
Actual Sociology accepts requests for reorganisation of author names and additions or deletions before publishing an accepted manuscript. Requests such as adding or removing authors or rearranging author names before the publication of an accepted manuscript should be submitted to the journal secretariat by the corresponding author. This request should include the following:

  • The reason for adding, removing or rearranging the name in question,
  • Separate written confirmation (by e-mail, fax, or letter) that all authors agree with the addition, deletion, or reorganisation. It should also include the consent of the author being added or removed, as the case may be.
  • Requests that are not originally addressed to the corresponding author will be sent by the IVT Secretary directly to the author, who should follow the procedure described above.
  • It should be noted that the editorial secretary will inform the editorial board of the journal about such requests, and that the publication of an accepted manuscript in press will be frozen until the author roster is agreed upon.
  • Requests to add, remove or rearrange author names after the manuscript has been published will not be considered.

Requests that are not sent by the corresponding author will be forwarded by the Journal Secretary to the corresponding author, who must follow the procedure as described above. Note that: (1) the Journal Secretary will inform the Journal Editors of any such requests and (2) the publication of the accepted manuscript in an issue will be suspended until authorship has been agreed. After the manuscript is published any requests to add, drop or rearrange author names will not be taken into consideration.

Authors are required to attach the signed Transfer of Publication Rights Form to the articles they submit to Actual Sociology. This form is available on the relevant page of the journal's website.

Pre-Application Requirements
The following headings will help authors to finalise their manuscripts before submission. To make sure that the specified criteria are included in the manuscripts and for more details on the subject, please refer to our Publication Guidelines:

For articles written in Turkish,

  • An abstract of 150-200 words written in Turkish, 5-7 keywords and a title,
  • An abstract of 150-200 words written in English, 5-7 keywords,
  • Extended Abstract in English, 1500-2000 words written in English and proofread by the author. This abstract should include the title, subheadings and all references in English (This section can also be submitted after the paper has been accepted).

For articles written in English,

  • An abstract of 150-200 words written in English, 5-7 keywords,
  • An abstract of 150-200 words written in Turkish, 5-7 keywords and a title, If the author does not speak Turkish, this section will be translated by the editorial secretariat.

In all articles,

  • All visual elements should be included in the main file of the manuscript during the submission and evaluation process. If the editor feels the need, they may also be requested from the author in appropriate formats (.jpg, .pdf or .png), in printable resolution and in regular sizes when the publication decision is made. Authors should keep these items readily available throughout the review process.
  • All tables (including titles, definitions and footnotes) must be complete.
  • The manuscript must be word and grammar checked.
  • References must be in the correct format (APA 7th edition).
  • All references in the text should be listed alphabetically in the bibliography.
  • Permission to use proprietary material (including web pages) must be obtained from other sources.

Application & Publication Fee
Actual Sociology does not charge an article submission fee from the authors. Authors are only responsible for editing and proofreading costs.

Proofreading and Editing
Actual Sociology publishes articles in Turkish and English. Texts should be written in good Turkish and English. Articles written in Turkish should include an extended abstract in English. Authors who feel that their English or Turkish manuscripts need to be corrected may request assistance from the İVT Secretary. IVT will find a proofreader to take care of this task for the authors. The service cost of this process belongs to the authors.

Queuing for Publication
After all corrections and revisions are completed, the Editorial Board decides on the issue in which the articles will appear. Normally, articles are ordered according to the date of submission; however, in some cases, exceptions may be made for special cases and files. When such a decision is taken, the author(s) are informed about this.

Letter of Acceptance
If needed or requested by the author, the editorial board may send a letter of acceptance indicating the status of the manuscript. This letter contains the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number that the author may need in later official processes.

DOI Usage
The DOI can be used for citation and linking to electronic documents. The DOI consists of alpha-numeric strings assigned to documents by the publisher at the start of electronic publication and is unique. The assigned DOI does not change in any way. For this reason, it is a convenient tool for citing a document, especially for manuscripts in press that do not yet have full bibliographic information. When the DOI is used to link to any document on the Internet, this identifier is strictly unchanged.

Open Access System
Actual Sociology has an open access policy. All published articles and reviews are available at The journal is not published in print.

Evaluation Policy
Editorial and peer review is an essential component of scientific progress. The evaluations made by independent scholars serve as a recommendation to the editorial board of Actual Sociology to publish the best articles. Articles are subjected to a completely confidential evaluation process.
Both the editorial staff and the readership of Actual Sociology are international, and the referees who evaluate the articles are carefully selected from the worldwide academic community. The names of the referees are kept confidential and can only be known by the editors, who must also remain confidential. All submissions for publication are evaluated impartially, regardless of the authors' race, gender, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, citizenship, political orientation, age or reputation.