
Understanding Turkish Family Through Turkish Family Surveys


The family, an institution whose importance is recognized by all societies, is the first formation where people open their eyes to the world, learn about social life, recognize emotions and define themselves. The family establishes bonds between individuals, teaches social values and plays an essential role in transferring these values to the next generation. The impact of family dynamics on the formation of the social structure is quite strong and its change over time causes the social system to evolve. One of the main tools that reveal these dynamics is the research. Longitudinal studies are also important determinants in this sense. In this context, the state conducts many surveys every five years to understand the changes in family structure and social change in Türkiye. This study aims to reveal the changes in the family structure through questionnaires, the main source of which is the questions of the Turkish Family Structure Surveys, the first of which was conducted in 1988, the second of which was conducted nearly 20 years later in 2006, and repeated respectively in 2011, 2016 and 2021.


Family Turkish Family Structure Turkish Family Structure Survey Social Change